Category : Uncategorized

Day Whatever Because I Seriously Lost Track.

This one was born on a whim and, subsequently, is about to have a sequel thanks in part to the wonderful program at UNC Chapel...

A Plea…

Happy Monday friends. I trust your weekends were well. Unfortunately for one of my neighbor’s daughters it was not. She was severely burned in a...

Let’s Talk Legal 1

After rounding out the end of the year with an introduction to my extensive catalog of books- you did buy them all right? Told some...

Let’s Talk Legal 2

Last week we talked a little about copyright and what legal issues an author can face. This week we tackle copyright and fair use as...

Let’s Talk Legal #3

I know what you’re thinking, how much more legal mumbo jumbo do I need to know? The answer is easy: more than I am providing...

Day One: Armies of the Silver Mage

Welcome to day one. I’m pretty stoked about doing this, if for no other reason than to introduce you all to my imagination and the...

In the Spirit of Leap Year

I’m just kidding. Leap year changes nothing. I do want to continue talking about the intricacies of what it takes to write a book- from...

Book Review: Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant

Some of you might not know this, but I am a historian at heart. Even during my time in the Army I always felt the...

Whose ready for a good time?

Once in a while I stumble on an idea and it takes hold. Those of you have been around me long enough know the old...


Look it up- its a word and I dig it. There’s no surprise that lately I have been feeling the strain of being a publisher....